Baking Texas Roadhouse Yeast Rolls with This Easy Recipe

The stuff of legend, whispered about in hushed tones by carb-loving connoisseurs everywhere. These aren’t your average dinner rolls, folks. These are pillowy pockets of heaven, begging to be slathered in that insanely delicious cinnamon honey butter.

But what if I told you, you can achieve Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls nirvana right at home? No endless trips to the restaurant, no delivery fees. Just pure, homemade bliss, bursting from your oven and straight to your happy place.

This Texas Roadhouse Yeast Rolls Recipe is your gateway to warm, golden-brown perfection. It’s a recipe that captures the essence of Texas Roadhouse magic, with a focus on achievable steps and undeniable flavor. We’re talking about a dough that’s soft and forgiving, a rise that guarantees those signature fluffy interiors, and a crust that’s just begging to be broken into.

So, ditch the store-bought rolls and the envy-inducing restaurant visits. With a little bit of love, some basic ingredients, and this trusty guide, you’ll be a Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls master in no time! Get ready to transform your kitchen into a haven of warm, yeasty goodness, and fill your home with the irresistible aroma of freshly baked bread. Let’s dive in!

Ingredients For Texas Roadhouse Yeast Rolls Recipe

Before we embark on our journey to yeast roll nirvana, let’s gather our supplies and ensure we’re well-equipped for success! Here’s a rundown of everything you’ll need to transform your kitchen into a haven of warm, fluffy Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls:


  • Active Dry Yeast (1 ¼ teaspoons): This magical ingredient is the heart and soul of our rolls. It’s responsible for that beautiful rise and creates a light, airy texture.
  • Warm Milk (1 ¼ cups): Warm milk activates the yeast and creates a favorable environment for it to thrive. Aim for a temperature around 105°F (but not scalding hot!).
  • Honey (¼ cup): A touch of honey adds a subtle sweetness to the rolls and complements the richness of the butter.
  • Unsalted Butter (4 tablespoons, melted and divided): Melted butter adds richness and flavor to the dough. We’ll use a portion for the dough itself and the rest for brushing the tops of the rolls before baking for a golden brown finish.
  • Large Egg (1): Eggs add structure and richness to the dough, helping it rise and achieve a satisfying chew.
  • Kosher Salt (1 teaspoon): Salt enhances the flavor of the rolls and balances out the sweetness of the honey.
  • All-Purpose Flour (3 ½ to 4 cups): This is the foundation of our dough. You might need slightly more or less flour depending on factors like humidity. We’ll add the flour gradually to ensure a soft and manageable dough.

Required Equipment:

  • Mixing Bowl (a large bowl will do the trick): This is where all the magic happens! We’ll use it to combine the ingredients and develop the dough.
  • Stand Mixer (optional): While a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment can make things easier, a good old-fashioned whisk and some elbow grease work just fine too!
  • Rolling Pin: We’ll use this to roll out the dough to the desired thickness before shaping the rolls.
  • Baking Sheet (lightly greased): This is where our beautiful creations will rise and bake to golden perfection.

Required Time:

The beauty of this Texas Roadhouse Yeast Rolls Recipe is that it’s achievable even for busy schedules. Here’s a breakdown of the time commitment:

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Rise Time (1st rise): 1 hour
  • Rise Time (2nd rise): 30-40 minutes
  • Bake Time: 15-20 minutes

Step By Step Instructions For Texas Roadhouse Yeast Rolls Recipe

Now that we’ve gathered our ingredients and prepped our tools, it’s time to transform these simple elements into the fluffy masterpieces that are Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls. This step-by-step guide will take you through each stage, ensuring your journey to yeast roll nirvana is smooth and delicious.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of each step, filled with tips and tricks to help you achieve those picture-perfect rolls:

  1. Wake Up the Yeast: In your large mixing bowl, combine the warm milk (remember, around 105°F!) with the yeast and the honey. You’ll see the mixture start to bubble and foam – that’s the yeast waking up and getting to work, feeding on the sugars in the honey. This bubbly activity is a good sign that your yeast is alive and ready to create some serious dough magic!
  2. Bringing it All Together: Once the yeast is nice and foamy, add the melted butter (we’ll reserve a tablespoon for later), the egg, and the salt. Whisk everything together until well combined.
  3. Gradual Flour Flow: Now comes the flour! Add about half of the all-purpose flour to the wet ingredients and mix with a sturdy spoon or your stand mixer on low speed. Gradually incorporate the remaining flour, a cup at a time, until a soft dough forms. The key is to stop adding flour once the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl and feels slightly tacky to the touch.
  4. Knead to Know: Here comes the kneading! If you’re using your trusty stand mixer, let it knead the dough on medium speed for about 5 minutes. If you’re a hand-kneading warrior, transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 minutes. Stretch, fold, and push the dough away from you with the heel of your hand. You’ll feel the dough becoming smoother and more elastic as you knead.

Tips For Texas Roadhouse Yeast Rolls Recipe

Even the simplest recipes can benefit from a few insider secrets. Here are some golden nuggets of wisdom to elevate your Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls from good to great:

  1. Temperature Matters: Pay attention to the temperature of your milk. Warm milk (around 105°F) activates the yeast effectively, triggering a good rise. Milk that’s too cold will hinder yeast activity, while scalding hot milk can kill it.
  2. The Flour Frontier: Don’t be afraid to get friendly with your flour! The amount of flour needed can vary slightly depending on factors like humidity and the specific brand you use. Start with less flour and add more gradually until the dough reaches the desired consistency – soft, pliable, and slightly tacky.
  3. Knead with Love (But Not Fury): Kneading is an essential step for developing the dough’s structure, but it doesn’t require brute force. Aim for a gentle kneading process, stretching and folding the dough for the recommended time. Over-kneading can make the rolls tough, so listen to the dough and stop when it feels smooth and elastic.
  4. The Power of Patience: Patience is key when it comes to letting your dough rise. Create a warm, draft-free environment for both rises (after mixing and after shaping the rolls). Covering the bowl with plastic wrap or a damp cloth helps trap moisture for optimal rising.
  5. A Brush with Brilliance: Don’t skip the melted butter after the second rise! Brushing the tops of your rolls with the reserved tablespoon of melted butter gives them a beautiful golden brown color and a soft, shiny finish.
  6. The Art of Shaping: Shaping the rolls can seem intimidating, but it’s all about having fun! Don’t worry about achieving perfect uniformity. Gently roll out the dough, cut it into squares, and fold them into loose squares or rectangles. A rustic, slightly uneven shape adds to the homemade charm.

Serving Tips Texas Roadhouse Yeast Rolls Recipe

Freshly baked Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls are a thing of beauty, and their versatility knows no bounds! But beyond simply savoring them on their own (which is perfectly acceptable!), here are some creative serving ideas to get your inspiration flowing and elevate your homemade rolls to superstar status:

  1. The Classic Combo: Let’s not forget the iconic pairing – warm Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls alongside a pat of melted butter. It’s a timeless combination for a reason! The sweetness of the butter perfectly complements the savory notes of the rolls, creating a flavor explosion in every bite.
  2. Soup-er Stars: Homemade rolls are the ideal companions for a steaming bowl of soup or stew. They add a comforting element and soak up any delicious brothy goodness.
  3. Salad Sensations: Elevate your next salad with a basket of warm rolls. They add a textural contrast and a touch of indulgence to a lighter meal.
  4. The Appetizer Anthem: Warm rolls can also be a fantastic appetizer. Serve them with a variety of dipping options, like pesto, hummus, or a simple olive oil and balsamic vinegar mixture.
  5. The Breakfast Basket Bonus: Don’t relegate these rolls to just dinner! They’re a delightful addition to a breakfast spread. Toast them lightly, drizzle with honey, or serve them alongside scrambled eggs and bacon.
  6. The Ultimate Sandwich Sidekick: Elevate your next sandwich with a warm Texas Roadhouse yeast roll. The soft, pillowy texture adds another dimension to your favorite fillings.
  7. Dessert Dreams: Feeling adventurous? Split the rolls warm, toast them lightly, and fill them with a scoop of ice cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce for a decadent and unexpected dessert.

Nutrition in Texas Roadhouse Yeast Rolls Recipe

We all know and love the irresistible indulgence of Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls, but it’s important to be mindful of their nutritional content. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutrients found in these delightful rolls:

  1. Carbohydrates: As with most bread-based foods, carbohydrates are the main player in Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls. They provide your body with energy, but it’s important to note that these rolls are primarily simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and can cause blood sugar spikes.
  2. Protein: The flour and egg in the recipe contribute a moderate amount of protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissues.
  3. Fats: The butter adds richness and flavor to the dough, but it also contributes a significant amount of fat, primarily saturated fat.
  4. Minimal Fiber and Vitamins: Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls are relatively low in fiber and essential vitamins.

While these rolls are undeniably delicious, enjoying them in moderation is crucial for maintaining a healthy diet.

  1. Savor Every Bite: Savor the flavor and texture of each roll. This mindful approach allows you to appreciate the taste and feel satisfied with a smaller portion.
  2. Pair with Balanced Options: When serving Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls, include other dishes that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and lean protein. This creates a more balanced meal.
  3. Make Them a Special Treat: Don’t make these rolls a daily habit. Enjoy them as part of a special occasion or alongside a healthy meal to create a balanced and delicious experience.


There you have it, bread bakers! With this Texas Roadhouse Yeast Rolls Recipe, you’ve unlocked the secrets to creating those restaurant-quality rolls in your own kitchen. It’s a recipe that’s approachable for beginners yet yields impressive results, sure to leave you feeling like a master of the rolling pin.

From the soft, pillowy texture to the golden brown exterior and that irresistible yeasty aroma filling your home, these rolls are a feast for the senses. And the best part? You get to customize the experience! Feeling adventurous? Add a sprinkle of herbs to the dough or brush the tops with garlic butter before baking. No matter how you choose to personalize them, these Texas Roadhouse yeast rolls are guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser.


What is Texas Roadhouse bread made of?

Texas Roadhouse bread, including their rolls, is typically made from a dough consisting of flour, yeast, sugar, salt, butter or margarine, and milk. This combination of ingredients results in a soft and tender texture with a slightly sweet flavor.

Why is Texas Roadhouse bread so sweet?

Texas Roadhouse bread, including their rolls, has a slightly sweet flavor due to the addition of sugar in the dough. This sweetness enhances the overall taste of the bread and complements the rich buttery flavor.

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