Craving Comfort Food Try Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe

Craving a taste of Texas Roadhouse warmth without leaving your kitchen? Look no further than this homemade Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe! This isn’t your average potato soup – it’s a creamy, cheesy masterpiece loaded with fluffy potatoes, crispy bacon, and all the comforting flavors of a perfectly baked potato.

Remember those endless rolls and that iconic butter they serve at Texas Roadhouse? This soup captures that same spirit of down-home Southern cooking, transforming a simple soup into a hearty and satisfying meal. The best part? It’s surprisingly easy to make at home, requiring minimal prep work and pantry-staple ingredients.

So, ditch the takeout menus and grab your favorite soup pot – in less than an hour, you’ll be swirling a spoonful of this rich and decadent Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe, blissfully transported to a place of pure comfort food heaven.

Ingredients For Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe

Before we dive headfirst into simmering cheesy goodness, let’s get organized! This Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe requires a few simple ingredients and some basic kitchen equipment. Here’s what you’ll need to transform your kitchen into a mini Texas Roadhouse:


  1. Potatoes: We’re using russet potatoes for this recipe. Their starchy flesh breaks down beautifully, creating a luxuriously creamy soup base.
  2. Bacon: Crispy, salty bacon adds a delightful textural contrast and smoky depth of flavor.
  3. Aromatics: Garlic, thyme, and oregano build the foundation of our soup’s savory profile.
  4. Chicken Broth
  5. Heavy Cream and Sour Cream: The dream team for creamy richness!
  6. Sharp Cheddar Cheese: Sharp cheddar provides a sharp bite that perfectly complements the other ingredients.
  7. Milk: A touch of milk helps to thin the soup slightly and create a perfectly smooth texture.
  8. Olive Oil and Butter: These fats add richness and help to saute our aromatics.
  9. Salt and Pepper: Seasoning essentials to bring out all the delicious flavors!

Required Equipment

  1. Large Pot: For simmering all the delicious soup goodness.
  2. Saute Pan or Skillet: For cooking the bacon and aromatics.
  3. Immersion Blender (optional): This handy tool allows you to achieve a perfectly smooth soup, but a good old-fashioned potato masher works just fine too!
  4. Knife and Cutting Board: For chopping your veggies and bacon.
  5. Measuring Cups and Spoons: Ensuring accurate measurements for a successful soup.
  6. Spoon and Spatula: For stirring and serving.

Required Time

  1. Prep Time: 15 minutes
  2. Cook Time: 30 minutes
  3. Total Time: 45 minutes

Step By Step Instructions For Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe

Now that we have our ingredients assembled and our culinary tools at the ready, it’s time to transform those pantry staples into a bowl of pure comfort food heaven! This Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe comes together in a breeze, with each step building upon the last to create that signature creamy, cheesy deliciousness. So, grab your apron and get ready to simmer some serious flavor!

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Dice and Prep: Start by washing and dicing your russet potatoes into bite-sized cubes. Dicing them evenly ensures they cook through at the same pace. If you prefer a smoother soup, you can shred the potatoes instead. While the potatoes prepped, chop your bacon into small pieces and mince your garlic.
  2. Bacon Bonanza: Heat your olive oil and butter over medium heat in your saute pan or skillet. Once hot and shimmering, add your chopped bacon and cook until it reaches a crispy perfection, releasing its smoky goodness into the pan. Remove the cooked bacon with a slotted spoon and set it aside on a paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess fat. We’ll be adding this crispy delight back to the soup later for that irresistible textural contrast!
  3. Aromatic Symphony: Reduce the heat in your pan slightly and add your minced garlic. Saute the garlic for about 30 seconds, or until fragrant, being careful not to burn it. Burnt garlic can impart a bitter taste. Then, toss in your thyme and oregano, letting them release their wonderful herbal aromas for another minute, further building the flavor base for our soup.
  4. Stock it Up: Pour your chicken broth into your large pot and bring it to a simmer over medium heat. Once simmering, add your diced potatoes and let them cook for 15-20 minutes, or until they are fork-tender.
  5. Creamy Dream Team: While the potatoes soften, it’s time to unleash the creamy magic! In a separate bowl, whisk together your heavy cream, sour cream, and about half of your shredded cheddar cheese. This creates a smooth and flavorful infusion that will elevate the soup’s richness.
  6. Soup Symphony: Once the potatoes are tender, use an immersion blender (or a good old-fashioned potato masher) to partially mash the potatoes directly in the pot. This creates a delightful textural variation within the soup, with some smooth and some chunky bits. Then, slowly whisk in your creamy mixture from step 5, ensuring it incorporates seamlessly with the broth and potatoes.
  7. Seasoning Savvy: Now it’s time to add some depth of flavor. Pour in your milk and stir it well.
  8. Cheddar Celebration: Reduce the heat to low and gradually stir in the remaining shredded cheddar cheese. Allow the cheese to melt completely, creating that signature cheesy pull that Texas Roadhouse is known for.
  9. Bacon Bliss: Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for – it’s bacon time again! Gently fold in your crispy cooked bacon back into the pot, reserving a bit for garnish. This adds pops of salty, smoky goodness throughout the soup.
  10. Soup-erb Finish: Give your Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup one last stir and taste test. If the soup seems too thick, add a splash or two of additional milk to achieve your desired consistency. Let the soup simmer for another 2-3 minutes to allow all the flavors to meld beautifully.
  11. Serve and Savor: Ladle your piping hot Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup into bowls and garnish with the reserved crispy bacon and a sprinkle of fresh chopped chives (optional). Grab your favorite crusty bread and settle in for a soul-warming experience. Every spoonful is a delicious reminder of that comforting Texas Roadhouse warmth, all made right in your own kitchen!

Tips For Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe

We’ve conquered the creamy, cheesy goodness of this Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe, but there’s always room to elevate your culinary creation! Here are some handy tips to take your soup from great to spectacular:

  1. Potato Power: For an extra-smooth soup, consider using Yukon Gold potatoes instead of russet potatoes. Yukon Golds have a smoother texture and a slightly sweeter flavor, which some people prefer.
  2. Spice it Up: Feeling adventurous? Add a pinch of cayenne pepper or a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for a touch of heat.
  3. Veggie Bonanza: Want to add some extra color and nutrients? Throw in chopped carrots, celery, or frozen peas along with the potatoes in step 4.
  4. Garnishing Glory: Don’t stop at the bacon and chives! Get creative with your garnishes. Chopped green onions, a dollop of sour cream, or a sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese are all delicious options.
  5. Leftover Love: This soup reheats beautifully! When reheating, add a splash of milk or broth to thin it slightly, as soups can thicken upon sitting.
  6. Bread Basket Bliss: No Texas Roadhouse experience is complete without their iconic rolls. While this recipe focuses on the soup, consider whipping up a batch of warm, soft rolls to complete the comforting experience.
  7. Dietary Tweaks: Looking for a lighter version? Substitute the heavy cream with low-fat milk or vegetable broth. You can also use low-fat sour cream and a reduced-fat cheddar cheese.

Serving Tips Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe

Your Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup is simmering to perfection, and your taste buds are eagerly awaiting that first blissful spoonful. But before you dive in, take a moment to elevate your soup from delicious to visually stunning! Here are some serving tips to transform your humble pot into a restaurant-worthy presentation:

  1. Bowl Beauties: Presentation matters! Choose bowls that are not only large enough for a hearty portion but also visually appealing. Wide, shallow bowls allow diners to appreciate the creamy texture and colorful garnishes.
  2. Garnishing Grandeur: We mentioned the importance of garnishes in the tips section, but here’s where they truly shine. Don’t be shy! A sprinkle of reserved crispy bacon, a dollop of sour cream, a dusting of freshly chopped chives, or even a drizzle of melted butter all add visual interest and textural intrigue.
  3. Bread Basket Bliss: No Texas Roadhouse experience is complete without their famous rolls. Channel that spirit by serving your soup alongside a basket of warm, crusty bread. This allows diners to mop up every last drop of that creamy goodness and adds a satisfying textural contrast to the soup.
  4. Salad Symphony: Balance the richness of the soup with a light and refreshing side salad. A simple salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, and a vinaigrette dressing cuts through the richness of the soup and adds a touch of freshness to the meal.
  5. Beverage Bonanza: Pair your Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup with a refreshing beverage. Unsweetened iced tea or a chilled glass of lemonade are classic choices that complement the creamy soup perfectly. Alternatively, a glass of crisp white wine or a light beer can also be delightful options.
  6. Ambiance Allure: Set the mood for a cozy, comforting meal. Dim the lights, light some candles, and put on some soft music. These small touches create a warm and inviting atmosphere that elevates the entire dining experience.

Nutrition in Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe

This Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup Recipe is a symphony of creamy indulgence, but it’s important to acknowledge the nutritional content of what we’re serving up. While it’s a delicious and satisfying meal, it’s on the richer side. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutrients you can expect per serving (based on a typical bowl size):

  • Calories: This soup packs a caloric punch, typically coming in around 400-500 calories per serving. This is due to the heavy cream, sour cream, and cheese, which are all calorie-dense ingredients.
  • Fat: The fat content can also be on the higher side, ranging from 25-35 grams per serving.
  • Carbohydrates: Expect around 30-40 grams of carbohydrates per serving. This comes from the potatoes, milk, and cream in the recipe.
  • Protein: The protein content is moderate, typically around 10-15 grams per serving.
  • Sodium: Be aware that this soup can be high in sodium, often exceeding 1000 milligrams per serving. This is due to the bacon, broth, and cheese.

Important Considerations:

  1. If you’re watching your calorie intake, fat intake, or sodium intake, this recipe might need some adjustments. Consider using lower-fat alternatives for the cream, sour cream, and cheese. You can also adjust the amount of bacon used.
  2. This soup is a great source of calcium due to the inclusion of cheese.
  3. Remember, portion control is key! While this soup is undeniably delicious, enjoying a smaller serving can help you manage your overall calorie and nutrient intake.


There you have it, folks! Your very own Texas Roadhouse Potato Soup masterpiece, brimming with creamy goodness and bursting with comforting flavors. This recipe is a breeze to follow, requiring minimal prep work and pantry-staple ingredients. So ditch the takeout menus and gather your loved ones around the table for a heartwarming meal that’s guaranteed to satisfy. With every spoonful, you’ll be transported to a place of pure comfort food bliss.

Remember, this recipe is just a starting point! Add a pinch of spice, swap the potatoes for another vegetable, or throw in some chopped ham for a heartier version. The beauty of this soup lies in its versatility and its ability to adapt to your taste preferences.


Does Texas Roadhouse have potato soup?

Texas Roadhouse may offer potato soup as a seasonal or limited-time menu item, but it’s not typically a permanent fixture on their menu.

What was potato soup made of?

Potato soup is typically made from potatoes, onions, celery, carrots, broth (such as chicken or vegetable), milk or cream, and seasonings like salt, pepper, and herbs.

Is Longhorn potato soup good?

Longhorn Steakhouse’s potato soup is generally well-received by customers, with many praising its rich and creamy texture and flavorful taste.

How to thicken potato soup recipe?

To thicken potato soup, you can use various methods such as pureeing some of the cooked potatoes and vegetables and adding them back to the soup, making a roux and adding it to the soup, or stirring in a slurry. Adjust the thickness to your preference by adding more or less of these thickeners.

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