Perfectly Seasoned Texas Roadhouse Corn Recipe

Those little nuggets of sunshine swimming in a creamy, buttery pool of goodness. They’re a legendary side dish for a reason – a perfect harmony of sweet corn kernels, savory richness, and a hint of something special that keeps you reaching for “just one more bite.” But what if I told you, you can recreate that restaurant-worthy magic right at home?

This Texas Roadhouse Corn Recipe isn’t just about mimicking a flavor; it’s about capturing the essence of that experience. It’s about transforming fresh or frozen corn kernels into a side dish that’s both familiar and delightful. We’re talking about a recipe that’s fuss-free and uses everyday ingredients, yet delivers a taste that rivals (or even surpasses) the original.

So, skip the delivery fees and the frozen microwave bags. With a little love and these simple steps, you can be enjoying a steaming bowl of Texas Roadhouse Corn that will leave your family and friends begging for seconds. Get ready to unlock the secrets to corny bliss – your taste buds will thank you!

Ingredients For Texas Roadhouse Corn Recipe

Before we embark on our journey to corn-tastic perfection, let’s gather our supplies and ensure we’re well-equipped to recreate that Texas Roadhouse experience at home! Here’s a rundown of everything you’ll need to transform your kitchen into a haven of creamy, buttery corn:


  • Corn (4 cups): This is the star of the show! You can use fresh corn kernels cut straight from the cob for the sweetest flavor, or frozen corn kernels for a convenient option. Fresh corn will add a touch more sweetness and texture, but frozen works just fine in a pinch.
  • Unsalted Butter (4 tablespoons, divided): Butter adds richness and depth of flavor to the corn. We’ll use a portion for melting the corn and the rest for creating a creamy sauce.
  • Heavy Cream (½ cup): Heavy cream creates a luxurious and smooth texture in the final dish. For a lighter option, you can substitute low-fat milk, but keep in mind the texture will be slightly thinner.
  • Sugar (1 tablespoon): A touch of sugar helps balance the savory notes and enhances the natural sweetness of the corn.
  • Salt and Black Pepper (to taste): Seasoning is key!
  • Chopped Fresh Parsley (optional): A sprinkle of fresh parsley adds a pop of color and a touch of freshness to the finished dish.

Required Equipment:

  • Pot or Dutch Oven: A medium-sized pot or Dutch oven is ideal for boiling or cooking the corn kernels.
  • Spoon or Spatula: For stirring and scraping the bottom of the pot to prevent burning.
  • Whisk: A whisk helps ensure smooth incorporation of ingredients and prevents lumps in the creamy sauce.
  • Serving Bowl: A beautiful serving bowl is the perfect way to present your creamy Texas Roadhouse corn.

Required Time:

The beauty of this Texas Roadhouse Corn Recipe is its simplicity. Here’s a breakdown of the time commitment:

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes (if using fresh corn)
  • Cooking Time: 10-15 minutes

Step By Step Instructions For Texas Roadhouse Corn Recipe

Now that we’ve assembled our ingredients and our kitchen arsenal is ready, it’s time to transform those simple elements into a side dish that’s both soul-satisfying and surprisingly easy to make. This step-by-step guide will walk you through each stage of the Texas Roadhouse Corn recipe, ensuring your journey to corny bliss is a breeze.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of each step, filled with tips and tricks to achieve those perfectly cooked corn kernels and a luxuriously creamy sauce:

  1. The Kernel Choice: If you’re using fresh corn, start by shucking the cobs and removing the kernels. Use a sharp knife to cut them off the cob, aiming to capture as much juicy goodness as possible. For frozen corn, simply thaw the kernels according to package instructions.
  2. A Bath of Butter: In your pot or Dutch oven, melt 2 tablespoons of the butter over medium heat. Add the corn kernels and cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, until they are heated through and slightly softened. You don’t want to overcook them – we want them to retain their plump texture and sweetness.
  3. The Creamy Canvas: Here comes the flavor magic! Pour in the heavy cream and the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter. Let it simmer for a minute or two, allowing the flavors to meld and the cream to reduce slightly.
  4. Sweet & Savory Symphony: Now, whisk in the sugar, salt, and black pepper. Remember, a touch of sweetness helps balance the savory notes and complements the natural sweetness of the corn.

Tips For Texas Roadhouse Corn Recipe

Even the simplest recipes can benefit from a few insider secrets. Here are some golden nuggets of advice to elevate your Texas Roadhouse Corn from good to restaurant-quality:

  1. Fresh Over Frozen (When Possible): While frozen corn is a convenient option, fresh corn kernels offer a superior taste and texture. Fresh corn adds a touch more sweetness and a delightful burst of summer flavor. But frozen corn works just fine in a pinch.
  2. Don’t Overcook the Corn: Resist the urge to overcook the corn kernels! Overcooked corn becomes mushy and loses its vibrant flavor.
  3. The Power of Sautéing: Sautéing the corn kernels in butter for a few minutes before adding the cream enhances their flavor. This step allows the kernels to develop a touch of caramelization, adding a deeper richness to the final dish.
  4. Spice it Up (Optional): For a touch of heat, consider adding a pinch of cayenne pepper or a diced jalapeño to the creamy sauce. This is a great way to add another layer of flavor and cater to those who enjoy a bit of a kick.
  5. The Fresh Finish: A sprinkle of fresh chopped herbs like parsley or chives adds a pop of color and freshness to the finished dish. It’s a simple touch that elevates the presentation and adds a delightful burst of aroma.

Serving Tips Texas Roadhouse Corn Recipe

Your pot of Texas Roadhouse Corn is simmering to creamy perfection, the aroma wafting through your kitchen like a delicious promise. But the journey doesn’t end there! Here are some creative serving ideas to elevate your corn beyond a simple side dish and transform it into a restaurant-worthy experience:

  1. The Classic Comfort: Pair your Texas Roadhouse Corn with grilled steak, roasted chicken, or baked pork chops for a timeless and satisfying meal. The creamy corn complements a variety of main courses, offering a touch of sweetness and richness.
  2. A Tex-Mex Twist: For a Tex-Mex twist, serve your corn alongside fajitas, tacos, or enchiladas. The creamy corn adds a delightful contrast to the spicy flavors of Tex-Mex cuisine.
  3. The Loaded Corn Extravaganza: Feeling adventurous? Transform your Texas Roadhouse Corn into a loaded delight! After removing the corn from the heat, stir in crumbled cooked bacon, diced red peppers, and shredded cheese. This adds another layer of texture and flavor, making it a side dish that can stand on its own.
  4. The Vegetarian Feast: This creamy corn is a fantastic addition to vegetarian meals. Serve it alongside a lentil soup, a veggie burger, or a quinoa salad for a complete and flavorful vegetarian feast.
  5. The Brunch Bonanza: Don’t limit this recipe to dinner! Texas Roadhouse Corn is also a delightful addition to a weekend brunch. Serve it alongside scrambled eggs, pancakes, or french toast for a touch of creamy sweetness.
  6. The Leftover Magic: Don’t underestimate the power of leftovers! This Texas Roadhouse Corn reheats beautifully. The next day, enjoy it as a side dish or even fold it into an omelet for a quick and flavorful breakfast.

Nutrition in Texas Roadhouse Corn Recipe

We all know and love the indulgent richness of Texas Roadhouse Corn, but it’s important to be mindful of its nutritional content. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutrients found in this dish:

  1. Corn Power: Corn is a good source of carbohydrates, which are the body’s primary source of energy. It also provides fiber, which is essential for digestive health and helps you feel fuller for longer.
  2. The Fat Factor: The butter and heavy cream contribute fat to the dish. While butter contains some beneficial vitamins like vitamin A, it’s also a source of saturated fat.
  3. Limited Vitamins and Minerals: This dish is lower in vitamins and minerals. However, if you’re using fresh corn, you’ll benefit from a small amount of vitamin C. To create a more well-rounded meal, consider pairing your Texas Roadhouse Corn with a side of vegetables or a lean protein source.


With this Texas Roadhouse Corn Recipe, you’ve unlocked the secrets to recreating that restaurant-worthy side dish in your own kitchen. It’s a recipe that’s both approachable for busy weeknights and impressive enough to grace a special occasion table.

From the perfectly cooked corn kernels to the luxuriously creamy sauce, this dish is a symphony of textures and tastes. It’s the kind of side dish that elevates the entire meal, offering a touch of sweetness and richness that complements a variety of main courses.

But beyond the deliciousness factor, this recipe empowers you to take control of your ingredients. You choose the freshness of the corn, the amount of butter, and the creaminess of the sauce. It’s a recipe that allows for customization, making it a great foundation for exploring different flavor profiles.


What is the hack for buttering corn?

A popular hack for buttering corn on the cob is to use a stick of butter that has been softened at room temperature. Insert a fork or corn holder into one end of the corn cob to hold it securely.

Why do you put butter on corn?

Buttering corn enhances its flavor by adding richness and a creamy texture. It complements the natural sweetness of the corn and adds a savory element to the dish.

How many calories are in a side of corn from Texas Roadhouse?

The number of calories in a side of corn from Texas Roadhouse can vary based on factors such as serving size and preparation method. However, a typical serving of corn as a side dish might contain around 150-200 calories, depending on the portion size and any added butter or seasonings.

Is it normal to put butter on corn on the cob?

Yes, it’s very normal to put butter on corn on the cob. Butter is a classic topping for corn and is often enjoyed alongside salt and pepper as a traditional way to enhance the flavor of this popular summertime vegetable.

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