Homemade Texas Roadhouse Buns Recipe in Your Kitchen

Those warm, pillowy pockets of heaven that practically melt in your mouth before you even get a chance to slather them in that insanely delicious cinnamon honey butter. Let’s be honest, sometimes a trip to Texas Roadhouse is all about those endless baskets of rolls, right? But what if you could recreate that magic at home, whenever your heart (and stomach) desires? Well, my friends, buckle up because today we’re diving headfirst into the world of the Texas Roadhouse Buns Recipe.

This isn’t your average dinner roll recipe, folks. This is a recipe that captures the essence of Texas Roadhouse goodness, with its slightly sweet dough, perfect texture, and that signature golden brown exterior. So ditch the delivery menu and get ready to bake up a batch of pure, homemade bliss. I promise, with a little love and these easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll be a Texas Roadhouse buns master in no time!

Ingredients For Texas Roadhouse Buns Recipe

Before we dive into the magic of mixing and kneading, let’s get ourselves prepped for Texas Roadhouse buns success! Here’s a rundown of everything you’ll need to transform your kitchen into a haven of warm, doughy goodness:


  • 1 ¼ cups Milk (whole milk for extra richness, but skim works too!)
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons Active Dry Yeast (one standard packet)
  • ¼ cup Honey (for a touch of sweetness that complements the savory perfectly)
  • 4 tablespoons Melted Butter, divided (unsalted butter is your best bet here)
  • 1 Large Egg, at room temperature (this helps everything incorporate smoothly)
  • 1 teaspoon Salt (don’t underestimate the power of salt to enhance flavors!)
  • 4 cups (around 489 grams) All-purpose Flour, or Bread Flour (bread flour adds a bit more chew, but all-purpose works great too)

Required Equipment:

  • Large Mixing Bowl: This will be your battlefield for doughy combat!
  • Stand Mixer with Dough Hook (optional, but a lifesaver for kneading)
  • Large Spoon or Sturdy Spatula: For mixing and handling the dough.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: Accuracy is key for perfect buns.
  • Baking Sheet: Where your buns will rise and turn golden brown.
  • Parchment Paper: Ensures easy removal and cleanup.
  • Pastry Brush: For applying that melt-in-your-mouth butter topping.

Required Time:

  • Active Prep Time: 15 minutes (includes yeast activation and initial dough mixing)
  • First Rise: 1-1 ½ hours (until dough doubles in size)
  • Second Rise: 30-45 minutes (after shaping the buns)
  • Bake Time: 18-22 minutes (until golden brown)

Total Time: This Texas Roadhouse Buns recipe can take anywhere from 2 ½ – 3 ½ hours, depending on how quickly your dough rises. But trust me, the wait is absolutely worth the reward!

Step By Step Instructions For Texas Roadhouse Buns Recipe

Now that our yeast is happily activated and ready to party, it’s time to build the base of our Texas Roadhouse buns – the dough! This step involves incorporating the remaining ingredients and developing the dough’s structure through kneading. Don’t worry, kneading isn’t about brute force; it’s a gentle process of stretching and folding the dough to create a smooth, elastic texture.

Here’s how we’ll bring our dough to life:

  1. Melted Butter Magic: Add 3 tablespoons of the melted butter to the yeast mixture along with the egg and salt. Give it a good whisk to combine everything.
  2. Halfway There: Now, add half of the all-purpose flour (or bread flour, if you’re using that) to the wet ingredients. Use your sturdy spoon or a dough whisk to mix until a shaggy dough forms.
  3. Gradual Flour Flow: Gradually incorporate the remaining flour, a cup at a time, until a soft dough forms. You might not need all the flour – the amount can depend on factors like humidity. The key is to stop adding flour once the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl and is slightly tacky to the touch.
  4. Knead to Know: Here comes the kneading! If you’re using a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment, this is your time to shine. Let the mixer knead the dough on medium speed for about 5 minutes. If you’re a hand-kneading warrior, transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 minutes. Stretch, fold, and push the dough away from you, using the heel of your hand. You’ll feel the dough becoming smoother and more elastic as you knead.

Tips For Texas Roadhouse Buns Recipe

Even the simplest recipes can benefit from a few insider tips and tricks. Here are some golden nuggets of wisdom to elevate your Texas Roadhouse buns from good to great:

  1. Temperature Matters: Pay attention to the temperature of your ingredients, especially the milk. The milk should be warm, around 105°F (but not scalding hot!), to activate the yeast effectively. If the milk is too cold, the yeast won’t wake up properly. If it’s too hot, it can kill the yeast, hindering the dough’s rise.
  2. The Flour Frontier: Don’t be afraid to get friendly with your flour! The amount of flour needed can vary slightly depending on factors like humidity and the specific brand you use. Start with less flour and add more gradually until the dough reaches the desired consistency – soft, pliable, and slightly tacky.
  3. Knead with Love (But Not Fury): Kneading is an essential step for developing the dough’s structure, but it doesn’t require brute force. Aim for a gentle kneading process, stretching and folding the dough for 8-10 minutes by hand or 5 minutes with a stand mixer. Over-kneading can make the buns tough, so listen to the dough and stop when it feels smooth and elastic.
  4. The Power of Patience: Patience is key when it comes to letting your dough rise. Create a warm, draft-free environment for both rises (after mixing and after shaping the buns). Covering the bowl with plastic wrap or a damp cloth helps trap moisture for optimal rising.
  5. The Golden Touch: Don’t skip the egg wash! Brushing the tops of your buns with a beaten egg before baking gives them a beautiful golden brown color and a soft, shiny finish.
  6. The Art of Buttery Bliss: While the buns are still warm from the oven, brush them generously with melted butter. This adds an extra layer of richness and flavor, mimicking that irresistible Texas Roadhouse experience.

Serving Tips Texas Roadhouse Buns Recipe

Freshly baked Texas Roadhouse buns are a thing of beauty, and sharing them with loved ones elevates the experience even further. Here are some tips on how to serve these warm, fluffy rolls and create a memorable moment:

  1. The Warm Welcome: There’s nothing quite like the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the air. Serve your buns straight from the oven while they’re still warm. The heat will help melt the butter and enhance the flavors even more.
  2. The Ultimate Duo: Of course, no Texas Roadhouse bun experience is complete without their signature cinnamon honey butter. You can make your own batch at home (recipe included later!) or use a store-bought variety. The combination of warm, buttery buns and sweet, cinnamony goodness is pure magic.
  3. Soup-er Stars: Texas Roadhouse buns are the perfect accompaniment to a hearty soup or stew. Their soft texture is ideal for soaking up all those delicious flavors.
  4. Salad Sidekick: Balance out a rich main course with a light and refreshing salad. The buns add a delightful textural contrast and a touch of sweetness to complement the salad greens.
  5. Brunch Bonanza: Don’t limit these buns to just dinner! They’re also fantastic for brunch alongside scrambled eggs, bacon, or sausage.
  6. The Art of Presentation: For a touch of elegance, arrange the buns in a basket lined with a clean kitchen towel. This presentation adds a rustic charm and makes them even more inviting.

Nutrition in Texas Roadhouse Buns Recipe

We’ve all indulged in the delightful temptation of these warm, buttery rolls, but have you ever stopped to consider their nutritional content? Here’s a breakdown of the key nutrients found in a typical Texas Roadhouse bun:

  1. Carbohydrates: As with most bread-based foods, carbohydrates are the main player in Texas Roadhouse buns. Carbs provide your body with energy, but it’s important to note that these buns are primarily simple carbohydrates, which are digested quickly and can cause blood sugar spikes.
  2. Protein: Texas Roadhouse buns offer a moderate amount of protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissues.
  3. Fats: The melted butter brushed on the buns adds a significant amount of fat, primarily saturated fat.
  4. Fiber: Texas Roadhouse buns are relatively low in fiber, which is important for digestion and gut health.
  5. Sodium: The dough contains salt, and the butter adds additional sodium. While sodium is necessary for various bodily functions, consuming too much can contribute to high blood pressure.


There you have it, my fellow bakers! With these step-by-step instructions, handy tips, and a sprinkle of baking wisdom, you’re now equipped to conquer the world of Texas Roadhouse buns. From the initial yeast activation to the final, glorious brush of melted butter, this recipe empowers you to recreate that restaurant-quality experience right in your own kitchen.

So, preheat your oven, gather your ingredients, and get ready to embark on this delicious journey. The reward? Warm, pillowy buns that are perfect for sharing (or not sharing, we won’t judge!). Remember, baking is all about having fun and expressing your creativity. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flours, add-ins, or even top your buns with a sprinkle of sesame seeds or herbs for a personalized touch.

Now, go forth and bake! Fill your home with the irresistible aroma of freshly baked bread and impress your loved ones with your newfound Texas Roadhouse buns mastery. Remember, the only limit is your imagination.


Do Texas Roadhouse buns have milk?

Texas Roadhouse buns do not contain milk, as they are typically made with flour, water, yeast, sugar, salt, and butter or margarine.

Why are Texas Roadhouse buns so good?

Texas Roadhouse buns are often praised for their soft and fluffy texture, as well as their slightly sweet flavor. This can be attributed to the use of high-quality ingredients and a specific baking process that results in a tender and delicious roll.

What does Texas Roadhouse bread taste like?

Texas Roadhouse bread, including their rolls, has a slightly sweet and buttery taste, with a soft and fluffy texture. It’s often served warm, enhancing the aroma and flavor of the bread.

What are Texas Roadhouse rolls made of?

Texas Roadhouse rolls are typically made from a dough consisting of flour, water, yeast, sugar, salt, and butter or margarine. The dough is shaped into rolls, proofed until doubled in size, and then baked until golden brown. They are often brushed with melted butter before serving, adding to their rich flavor and aroma.

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